It’s already February and the days are slowly getting longer here in the North so we can tell ourselves regardless of what all the animal prognosticators might have said on Feb 2nd, that spring will return sooner than later.
We hope that you’ll join us this month to attend our regular Monthly Meeting on February 23rd where in addition to our usual check-in we will also be using the evening as an opportunity to critique each others work. If you’re interested in participating and are a Guild Member please check your email. Liisa will be forwarding instructions for participating including the slide presentation she gave at our January meeting about what’s involved in critiquing. We’re encouraging people to submit Superstack related stories/memories as part of the critique, but its not necessary. The piece you submit could be about anything. The goal is to get people exposed to the process of critiquing and for those of us who may have some experience to get used to giving and receiving the feedback. The critique session will be both in person and online via Zoom so all can participate.
Also take a look at the schedule for upcoming Inner Circles that you may be interested in attending. We welcome people to check out an inner circle and see if its for them or not. There’s something for everyone. If you have any questions please post in the comments below or reach out to us via Facebook.
No more open mic Tuesday?